(Spanish: Querida Danza, Bahasa Indonesia: Hai Tari)
This performative letter to Dance was created within the framework of the project Just in Time by deufert&plischke. Based on the poem America by Alan Ginsberg, this “letter” directly addresses its recipient —Dance— to enable a direct correspondence. At times humorous, at other times poignant, this solo by dancer Kareth Schaffer works through feelings of love and hate, anger and desire, grief and dreams: Dance is addressed as best friend, lover, enemy, therapist, scapegoat, and projection screen.
The work is performed in whichever language is most common to its audience. So far, Letter to Dance has been performed in English, German, Spanish, and Bahasa Indonesia
Together with Deufert & Plischke, Kareth was co-editor of the book “Letters to Dance” (2018): a collection of letters to Dance by people between the ages of 7-92 from Berlin, New York and Tel Aviv.
A production by Kareth Schaffer with support of Katrin Deufert and Thomas Plischke. Translations by Ilya Noé and Sidhi Vhisatya.